أرشيف المرحلة الثانية 2014-2015

(1) week 1: Inside the Womb
(3) week 3: Abnormal Baby
(5) week 5: The Dark Tunnel
(6) week 6: Retirement Life

(7) week 1: A Burn Accident
(8) week 2: Reluctant to Vaccine
(9) week 3: A Battle with a Virus
(12) week 6: Pesticide Poisoning

(13) week 1: A Painful Shoulder
(14) week 2: Swelling of the Arm
(15) week 3: Pain in the Arm
(16) week 4: Rheumatoid Arthritis
(17) week 5: Low back Pain
(18) week 6: Muna's soft bones
(19) week 7: Swelling in the Leg
(20) week 8: Painful Knee
(21) week 9: I wish to run

(22) week 1: I always feel tired
(23) week 2: Mohammed is tired